DIS Dresden International School gGmbH is a private school. The operating structure is a gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (gGmbH). This is a corporate structure similar to a not-for-profit company in the USA. As a registered corporation, the school is currently led by a Geschäftsführung (business leadership) of two officers, who report to the Association: the Director/CEO and Business Manager/CFO.
The Trägerverein is the sole shareholder of the school and hold the physical assets of the school. The Association acts as the Board of Trustees for Dresden International School. Members are elected by the association.The Board of Trustees does all in its power to maintain and develop excellent relations with the government authorities and agencies of the State of Saxony and the City of Dresden. DIS is recognised by the host state as an Ersatzschule (replacement school status) for grades 1-4 and as an Ergänzungsschule (supplementary school) for grades 5-12.