1-2 Year Olds

DIS has single-aged groupings for our youngest learners in order to meet their developmental needs regarding the physical setting, learning opportunities, and teaching strategies. The teaching team meets the Bumblebees group at age one and spends two years with the students, then moving with them into the Ducklings classroom and programme.

In this group our students are guided by two qualified and caring full-time teachers and one part-time class assistant.

They are housed in the historic villa at the preschool campus, at Goetheallee 18 in Dresden-Blasewitz.

To start in this group, children need be minimum 12 months old. Start is preferably at the beginning of the school year but entering the preschool is also possible throughout the year.

For most of the children entering this group, this will be their first experience in a full-day, large-group setting. We are making sure that they settle in well and that they can happily take part in daily routines.

English is the predominant language of communication. German is also introduced through songs, stories and other resources.

Explore Campus

Our Programme

At this level, inquiry is most often play-based, capitalizing on young children’s natural inclination to explore and make sense of their world. The focus is on continuous progress at each individual’s pace so that each child moves from:

  • easier > more difficult

  • simple > more complex

We value flexibility in expectations about when and how children acquire certain competencies which means we meet each child where s/he is at and support development to the next level.

We are offering a rich programme for your child that lays the foundations for all future learning.

Read more about the Preschool Programme


Initial Parent-Teacher Conference
Before the child starts, transition plan developed, orientation for parents. 


Online Platform. Parents have individualized insight into their child’s learning through digital artifacts posted to your child’s Seesaw Journal.

Fall Conference

Reflection on transition; teacher shares development progress

Spring Conference

Reflection on first year of preschool, teacher shares developmental progress in last six months

Student Portfolio

The student portfolio is a celebration of developmental progress and learning. Periodic samples of children's work are collected each year, PK1-PK3/4, creating evidence of their learning journey.

In the first parent-teacher conference in the preschool, one of the goals is to create the transition plan for new children in partnership with the parents. Each transition plan is unique to the individual needs of the child, and the plan must be flexible to accommodate those needs.

Typically the plan for our Bumblebees includes a period of parental presence in the classroom with the goal of shifting care and interactions from parent to teacher.

A Typical Day

07:30 - 08:00 Morning care
08:45 - 09:00 Singing (once a week with all preschool children)
Starting at 08:00 Inquiry time, Morning circle
  Sensory play, exploration, arts and crafts, and free play
  Morning snack
  30-min outdoor play time
  Sport time (once a week in the sports room)
11:15 Lunch
14:30 Library lesson (every other week)
After Lunch Story time / Sleeping
After Sleeping Transition / Snack  
15:15 (Tues 14:30) Dismissal or After School Care until 18:00

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