Tuition Fee

Here you can download the fee schedule for the current school year. There are two overviews - one for the Preschool groups and one for the Primary and Secondary School classes.

DIS is a private school. If you pay tax in Germany, the school fees can often be deducted as special expenses ("Sonderausgaben" according to section 10, paragraph 1, line 9 of the German Tax Law (EStGn.F.).

More information about our tuition fees for the two campus locations are available in our price overview. Children 1 to 5 years are located in our Preschool Campus. Children in Kindergarten and Grades 1 to 12 are located at our School Campus.

Donwload Fee Schedule Here:

The yearly tuition is the sum of:

  • Enrollment Fee
  • School Fee and Sponsoring Fee

This means for a student coming into Grade 1 (August 2024) a total fee of EUR 14.320 is payable. 

> Enrollment Fee = EUR 1.600
> School Fee = EUR 1.800
> Sponsoring Fee = EUR 10.920

= EUR 14.320

apply-grafic 1 2 3

Financial Assistance

An International Education at DIS is Affordable

When asked, many parents of school-aged children in local schools say they would enroll their child in DIS if they thought that they could afford it. However, most families never investigate the possibility of sending their child to DIS because of their concerns regarding the cost. The fact is, a DIS education is affordable.

Tuition Financing Plans

Monthly tuition financing plans are available to allow families to pay for tuition over ten months.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to students in preschool (from age 1) up to Grade 12. A reduction in fees is granted if the verified income of the parents does not allow for the payment of the regular tuition fees. An application for the reduction of tuition fees must be filled out. The reduction applies only to the Enrollment and Sponsoring Fees. The School Fee is a fixed cost.

Returning families will receive an application for the following year in March. New applicants can download an application for financial aid.

Preschool Campus

The preschool students (ages 1-5) learn in a beautiful, historic villa with large grounds in Dresden-Blasewitz. The environment is child centred, based on best early childhood learning practices provided by highly qualified, dedicated and caring staff.


School Campus

Students from Kindergarten and from Grade 1 to Grade 12 study at the school campus in Dresden-Altstadt. The modern campus facilities with a large sports hall offer excellent opportunities for students to progress in their learning successfully at all ages.
