Diploma Programme

Our Diploma Programme (DP) is a rigorous, university-preparatory course of study for students aged sixteen to nineteen. It is a broad-based, two-year course that aims to cultivate knowledgeability and inquiry, but also caring and compassion in our students. They are encouraged to develop intercultural understanding, open-mindedness, and the attitudes necessary for them to respect and value a range of viewpoints. The DP equips students with the learning and communication skills necessary for success in higher education and employment. At the end of grade 12, students face a set of external examinations. Graduating with the IB Diploma, they have access to the world’s leading universities.

International Baccalaureate Diploma is recognized as German Abitur

Students who take certain courses and achieve certain exam scores can have their International Baccalaureate Diploma recognized as equivalent to the German Abitur. Details about the German recognition of the IB Diploma can be found at the website of the Kultusministerkonferenz.

Reassuringly independent and rigorous, the IB DP is recognised for its academic integrity, range, and the high level of study skills each student must develop to succeed. Made up of the three required components, the DP core aims to broaden students’ educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills. Most students at DIS take the full IB Diploma, studying six subjects along with the three compulsory core areas.

A successful completion of the two year IB Diploma Program leads automatically to the award of a DIS High School Diploma, especially for graduates studying in US or Canada. Students with two languages at a native speaker or near mother tongue level qualify for a bilingual diploma.

German recognition of the IB Diploma

In Germany, the International Baccalaureate Diploma is officially recognized by the Kultusministerkonferenz (the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs) as a valid university entrance qualification. All requirements for an IB Diploma to be recognized in Germany are listed in the Agreement on the Recognition of the "International Baccalaureate Diploma" last amended by the Kultusministerkonferenz in 2023.


The course curriculum is presented as six academic areas - language acquisition, language and literature, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics, and the arts - encompassing the following core disciplines: theory of knowledge (TOK), creativity, activity, service (CAS) and the extended essay (EE). The DP core aims to broaden students’ educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills.

Language Acquisition - The acquisition and use of language in a range of contexts and for different purposes, while promoting an understanding of other cultures. We offer German and Spanish.

Language and Literature - Through studies in language and literature, the DP aims to develop a student’s lifelong interest in language and literature, and a love for the elegance and richness of human expression. We offer English and German Mothertongue Level. 

Individuals and Societies - Fosters the capacity to identify, analyse and evaluate theories, concepts and arguments relating to the nature and activities of individuals and societies. We offer History, Geography and Economics.

Sciences - Students explore the concepts, theories, models and techniques that underpin each subject area and develop their understanding of the scientific method. We offer Biology, Physics and Chemistry.

Mathematics - Courses enable students to develop knowledge of concepts and principles, logical and critical thinking, and refine their powers of abstraction.

The Arts - Fosters critical, reflective and informed practice, helps students understand the dynamic nature of the arts, and express themselves with confidence. We offer Visual Arts and Performing Arts. 

Programme Grade 11 and 12

For further information about our programme in Grade 11 and 12, please click on the link. 

More Information

IB Diploma Results 2024

34 Graduates

  • DIS average total points
    = 33 (average IB score of those awarded the diploma)
  • DIS Diploma pass rate
    = 91 % (worldwide = 79 %*)
  • DIS highest score
    = 45 (German Abitur 1.0)
  • DIS students scoring 40+
    =  12 %
  • DIS bilingual Diploma rate
    = 56 % (worldwide = 28 %*)
  • DIS Students scoring 35+
    = 29 %
  • Extend Essay pass rate
    = 100 %
  • TOK pass rate
    = 100 %

* 2023

University Destinations

DIS graduates study in many countries around the world. Here are some examples of study programmes and universities listed.

Australia - Creative Writing (La Trobe / Curtin), Engineering (New South Wales), Physiotherapy (Sydney)

Austria - Linguistics (University of Graz), Medicine (Vienna), Veterinary Medicine (Vienna), Sociology (Vienna), Transcultural Communication (Vienna)

France - International Relations (Sorbonne, Paris)

Germany - Biology (Göttingen), Business Administration (Ludwig Maximilian Munich), Chemistry (TU Dresden), Electrical Engineering (TU Dresden), Fashion (Esmod Berlin), French / German Law (Cologne), Computer Science (TU Dresden), Law (Ludwig Maximilian, Munich), Law (Heidelberg), Law (Passau), Mechanical Engineering (TU Dresden), Media and Communication Management (MHMK Munich), Pharmacy at the (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena), Physics (TU Dresden), Dentistry (TU Dresden)

India - Physics and Engineering (Jain)

Netherlands - Psychology (Rotterdam Erasmus), Economics (Amsterdam), Artificial Intelligence (Groningen), Engineering (Delft), Economics (Tilburg)

Poland - Medicine (Wroclaw)

Singapore - Environmental Sciences (Singapore)

Spain - Economics (European University Barcelona)

Switzerland - Hotel Management (César Ritz Colleges), Mechanical Engineering (ETH Zurich)

UK - Finance and Accounting (Bath), Law (Oxford), Art & Design (Glasgow), Business & Management (Edinburgh), Drama and Applied Theater Studies & Teaching (London), Economics (King's College, London), Finance (Warwick), History and Politics (Oxford), International Relations (St. Andrews), Criminology and Sociology (Nottingham), International Management (Exeter), Philosophy and Economics (St. Andrews), Psychology (Edinburgh), Psychology (Glasgow), Mathematics (University College London), Physics and Astrophysics (Glasgow)

USA - Arabic Studies (Monterey, California), Archaeology (Colorado), Astrophysics (Boston), Medicine (Columbia, New York)

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