We had a fantastic day welcoming our Grade 1 students to DIS on Saturday, 12 August.
Starting Grade 1 marks a new chapter in the life of a child and often comes with feelings of excitement. It was a wonderful opportunity to welcome all of our new students as well as those who were previously in the DIS kindergarten. As per the German tradition, our first graders each received a so called sugar cone (“Zuckertüte”) filled with small items like school accessories, sweets and other goodies. They also met their teachers and saw their classrooms for the first time.
We were thrilled to share this special occasion with our PYP teachers and Grade 1 families. A big thank you goes to the staff members for all the preparation that went into making this an unforgettable day for the students and their families. It was heartwarming to see how proud our 37 first graders from 16 nations were to carry their cones. We wish them all a good start.